Chapter 9

The next morning all of them woke up early and somehow convinced their families to let them go out. They were allowed as all of their family members were very busy otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed. They thanked god for that. Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara were the first ones to get completely ready.

Isha got out of the palace with her backpack and several other stuff like scarfs and sunglasses for all of them to cover themselves to hide their identity as they couldn't risk people recognizing them. She wanted to place them in the car and she was getting annoyed by the strands of her hair which kept falling on her face due to the wind. She was struggling to move them as her hands were occupied. She was unaware that Ekansh was watching her from his balcony along with having his khadwi black coffee (Khadwi - bitter).

Ekansh couldn't help but smile as he watched her from his balcony, a mixture of amusement and fondness in his eyes. He admired the way she looked in that baby pink salwar, the colour complementing her complexion perfectly. Her frustration with the wind tousling her hair only added to her charm. He debated whether to go down and offer his assistance, but a part of him enjoyed watching her struggle, finding it endearing. It was moments like these that made him feel a deeper connection with her, even if she was completely unaware of his presence.

As she continued to grapple with her unruly hair, he marvelled at the small details he had come to appreciate about her. The way she bit her lip in concentration, the slight crinkle in her forehead when she was frustrated - they were all endearing quirks that made her uniquely her. He felt a profound connection with her, a bond that went beyond mere moments like these. It was a feeling that ran deep, a conviction that she would always belong to him, no matter what challenges or obstacles they might face in life. With a determined and loving look in his eyes, Ekansh went back to his room as he knew that he would always be there for her, through thick and thin. Their connection was a profound and unbreakable one, a bond that would endure the tests of time, making him feel like she was, and would always be, his.

While, Meera was in the garden as she wanted to water her plants before she could leave for their mission, though they had servants for the job as she loved taking care of her plants by herself, it gave her a sense of joy and satisfaction. She was paying so much attention to watering the plants with so much affection, it made her look Enchanting. She was unaware that Vihaan who was in his gym had noticed her looking so adorable. Vihaan couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of her as he went through his workout routine in the gym. Her genuine affection for the plants was endearing, and the little smudges of soil on her nose and forehead only added to her charm. He watched her with a soft smile, appreciating the beauty in her simple, everyday moments.

The way she cared for the plants spoke volumes about her nurturing nature, and it was moments like these that made him fall for her even more. Her unawareness of his presence allowed him to observe her in her most authentic state, and he cherished these glimpses of her vulnerability and tenderness. He continued his workout, grateful for the opportunity to witness such a sweet and genuine moment.

As Vihaan continued to watch her tend to the plants, his conviction grew stronger. He knew deep down that he wanted her to be a permanent part of his life. Her presence brought joy, warmth, and a sense of completeness that he had never felt before. Vihaan realized that he didn't just want her in his life for the beautiful moments like this one, but for everything-both the ordinary and extraordinary moments they would share together. Her quirks, her smile, and the way she cared for the world around her all made him want to build a future with her. He knew that he had found someone special, someone he wanted to cherish and care for.

Meanwhile Saanvi was also in her garden to play with her bunnies before departing for their mission and she was unaware that Aarav was looking at her through his home office. Aarav sat in his home office, ostensibly working, but his attention was far from the tasks at hand. Instead, his gaze was fixed on Saanvi in her garden, surrounded by her bunnies. She radiated an aura of innocence and joy as she played with the fluffy creatures. Her laughter and the way she interacted with the bunnies tugged at his heartstrings. Aarav couldn't help but smile as he continued to watch her, feeling grateful for the opportunity to witness such a tender and unguarded moment.

Aarav's heart swelled with a deep longing as he continued to watch Saanvi with her bunnies in the garden. It was in moments like these that he realized he wanted her as an integral part of his life. The connection they shared was something he cherished beyond measure.He knew he wanted to be there for her, to support her through the ups and downs of life. Aarav envisioned a future where she was by his side, sharing in their adventures and facing whatever challenges came their way together. Her presence brought a sense of completeness to his life that he couldn't ignore.

With a sense of determination and love, Aarav silently made a commitment to himself to make Saanvi a permanent and cherished part of his life, no matter where their life took them. He wanted to build a future with her, filled with love, adventure, and unwavering support.

Meanwhile, Ara was in the backyard of their palace to enjoy her cup of tea with the company of nature and she was unaware of Ansh who was looking at her through the balcony of his room. As Ansh looked down from the balcony at Ara enjoying her tea in the palace's backyard, he couldn't help but be captivated by her serene presence amidst nature. The way she seemed completely at peace, savouring the simple pleasure of her tea, resonated deeply with him.

Unbeknownst to Ara, Ansh watched her with a soft smile on his face. He appreciated the beauty of the moment-the way the sunlight danced through the leaves, casting a gentle glow on her, and the delicate sounds of nature providing a soothing backdrop to her solitude.

It was in these tranquil moments that he felt an even stronger connection with her, a connection that transcended words. As Ansh watched Ara in that tranquil moment, a profound realization settled in his heart. Her presence brought a sense of calm and contentment that he couldn't find elsewhere.He didn't just want her as a passing fancy; he wanted her to be by his side through all the moments life had to offer. He wanted to share in her joys and sorrows, to be her support system, and to build a future together that was filled with love and companionship.

With a deep sense of determination and affection, Ansh made a silent vow to himself that he would cherish and protect Ara, making sure she was always a cherished presence in his life.

All of them unaware of someone watching them quickly left from their palaces as they were getting late. Isha was the first one to leave followed by the others.

After an hour they reached the village outskirts. The first thing that came into their view was a temple. They quickly offered their prayers from the car itself once again asking for the goddess's blessings throughout their journey and after that saw a village around 500 m from the temple before they could go any further Isha asked all of them to stop their cars and cover their faces by handing them the scarfs and sunglasses she had bought to avoid anyone recognizing them. After they were done they went near the village and stepped out of their cars. They went around asking people if they knew a lady called Amba alongside making sure that no one recognized them and all the people pointed at a hut which was at a distance. The hut looked old and abandoned but with courage and faith they took slow steps towards the hut.


Do you think they found Amba ??

Will they find what they are looking for ?

Stay tuned to know more!!

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Riya Reddy

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Hey!! I hope you guys will join me in this journey to escape the realities of life and get lost in the fictional world which is filled with magic!! I would greatly appreciate your support and encouragement!!

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Riya Reddy

Hey!!I love reading and writing because they open the door to countless worlds and possibilities. Reading allows me to empathize with characters, experience different perspectives, and gain insights. It's a journey that transcends time and space, fostering both personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world around me.On the other hand, writing is my creative outlet, a means to express my thoughts, emotions, and ideas. It enables me to craft narratives, weave stories, and communicate in a way that is uniquely mine. In essence, my love for reading and writing is a lifelong affair, an endless pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and the sheer joy of getting lost in the magic of words.