Chapter 3

The head of the security of each of the families greeted Ekaansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh respectively. After which all of them settled in their persnol convoy. In the cars the eldest siblings asked all of them to be careful in the village. The convoy was led to Udaigarh, the village where the ancestral temple was located and the pooja was to be conducted as each of the royal families had a palace there and would live there for the entire duration of the pooja. After an hour, the convoy came to a halt indicating that they had reached the place. All of them got out of their convoys and were looking around and when they looked ahead they saw 4 palaces right next to each other , they were shocked to see the sight before them as no other palaces in their surroundings were so close to each other. They started walking ahead and entered their respective mansions without any further adieu as they were all really exhausted and had to rest because the first day of the pooja was the next day.

At the Rajvansh palace

As soon as the siblings entered they saw their parents and grandparents seated on the couch in the living room and were having a conversation. The minute their parents and grandparents noticed them they had a smile on their faces and their mother Aawanya Abhimanyu Rajvansh came running and hugged them.

"Mumma you are seeing us after two days and not after two decades. This is like the Kabhi Kushi Kabhi gham movie scene where Rahul's mother meets him in London after many years and the only difference between that scene and this that there in no background music here " Adithi said giggling. (mumma - mother)

(Kabhi Kushi Kabhi gham is a hindi movie where Rahul, the male lead is the adoptive son of a business tycoon, Yash. When Yash forbids Rahul's love for a poor girl. Rahul marries her and goes to London breaking his mother's heart. Years later they reconnect because of Rahul's younger brother)

Aawanya gently hit Adithi's head and soon after they all greeted their father and grandparents and went to their rooms to freshen up and go to bed.

Jay, Saanvi and Adithi fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed after freshening up but, Ekansh couldn't sleep though he was extremely tired. As he lay in bed, unable to sleep, his mind and heart were consumed by thoughts of the person whose eyes had mesmerized him. Those deep, soulful eyes had caught his attention, and in that moment, it felt like the entire world had faded away. He couldn't shake the memory of their gaze, how it had made his heart race and his stomach flutter with excitement. As the night wore on, he knew that sleep would elude him, for his thoughts were firmly anchored to the person who had captured his heart with just a single gaze. He couldn't wait to see those mesmerizing eyes again, to lose himself in their depths once more, and to explore where this unexplainable connection might lead. Ekansh had never felt like this ever before. He kept tossing and turning on his bed.

At the Rajput palace

As soon as the siblings entered the palace they couldn't find anyone in the living room so they went to the garden and found their parents and grandparents seated there having a conversation. They quickly went to freshen up and go to bed beacuse according to Amaira they shouldn't miss out on their beauty sleep as the next day was a very important day for them. Reyansh, Dhruv and Amaira slept almost immediately but like Ekansh even Vihaan couln't sleep. As he lay in bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, he couldn't shake the feeling that had enveloped him. It was as though an enchantment had been cast upon him by the mere gaze of that person. Their eyes, like deep pools of mystery, had drawn him in, holding him captive in a world of their own.His mind replayed the moments he had seen that person.It was as if those eyes held the secrets of the universe, and he longed to unravel them, to understand the depths of the emotions they concealed.

But it wasn't just his mind that was affected. His heart, too, was in turmoil. It raced with a fervor he hadn't felt before, each beat a reminder of the magnetic pull he felt toward this person. It was a sensation he couldn't ignore, a longing that left him restless and unable to find solace in sleep.

He tossed and turned, trying to push away the thoughts and feelings that consumed him. But like a relentless tide, they washed over him again and again. In that moment, as the night stretched on, he knew that sleep would elude him until he found a way to unravel the mystery of those mesmerizing eyes and the person who possessed them.

At the Chauhan palace

As soon as the siblings entered the palace they walked up to their parents and grandparents in the living room and greeted them.

The sibling's mother Ananditha Anand Chauhan told her children "Bacche go to bed early as tomorrow you have to be up very early as it is the first day of the pooja and it is very important for all of you to get enough rest"

Everyone agreed and went away to their rooms and fell asleep very soon but, Aarav couln't sleep at all. As he lay in bed, surrounded by the quiet of the night, he couldn't help but replay the image of those captivating eyes in his mind. They had a depth and intensity that seemed to draw him in, like a moth to a flame. He remembered the way they sparkled with every hint of emotion, reflecting a world of feelings he longed to understand.

His heart, too, seemed to have a mind of its own, beating a rhythm that echoed the memory of that enchanting gaze. It was as if a connection had formed in that brief moment, an unspoken understanding that transcended words. He had never felt such a powerful pull towards someone before, and it left him restless, his thoughts consumed by the desire to know more about the person behind those mesmerizing eyes.

As he tossed and turned in his bed, he couldn't escape the feeling that his life had been irrevocably changed by that chance encounter. He knew he had to find a way to see those eyes again, to delve deeper into the mystery they held. Until then, sleep would remain elusive, and his heart would continue to yearn for the person who had unknowingly captured his soul with a single gaze.

At the Rathore Palace

As soon as the siblings entered, they ran to their Grandparents and hugged them. After talking to them for a while , they wished their grandparents good night and quickly left for their rooms and everyone except Ansh fell asleep.

Like the others, Ansh also couln't sleep but the only difference between the others and Ansh was that the others were thinking about a pair of eyes which had caught their eye but, Ansh was thinking of a certain person he kind of knew. He kept tossing and turning through the night.


Don't worry guys, the mystery as to who was thinking about whom will be revealed soon!

What will happen on the First day of the Pooja ?

Stay tuned to know more.

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Riya Reddy

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Hey!! I hope you guys will join me in this journey to escape the realities of life and get lost in the fictional world which is filled with magic!! I would greatly appreciate your support and encouragement!!

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Riya Reddy

Hey!!I love reading and writing because they open the door to countless worlds and possibilities. Reading allows me to empathize with characters, experience different perspectives, and gain insights. It's a journey that transcends time and space, fostering both personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world around me.On the other hand, writing is my creative outlet, a means to express my thoughts, emotions, and ideas. It enables me to craft narratives, weave stories, and communicate in a way that is uniquely mine. In essence, my love for reading and writing is a lifelong affair, an endless pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and the sheer joy of getting lost in the magic of words.